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이동 경로


To our Valued Customer,

The Saudi Ports Authority (Mawani) has given directives for carriers to obtain proof of freight forwarder’s license issued by the Public Transport Authority (PTA). The Regulation of Shipping Agent issued under the Resolution of Mawani Board of Directors No. (6/C1/D1) dated 10/3/1440H (18 November 2018) which came into effect 17 December 2018.

Article 26: Shipping Agent’s Obligations relating to Freight Forwarders for Carriage of Goods by Sea. 

  1. Shipping Agents shall not accept any shipment contracts or impounding of goods issued by Saudi ports via freight forwarders not licensed by the Public Transport authority (PTA), and the Shipping agent must keep a copy of the freight forwarder’s license issued by PTA at his records to agree on contracts or to accept impounding with him. 
  2.  In addition, the Shipping agent shall notify the shipping line to refuse shipments coming to the Saudi ports to freight forwarders who do not have representatives and licenses by PTA to practice the activity of freight forward in the Kingdom. It is required to obtain a copy of the license of forwarder’s representative or agent in the Kingdom to accept contracting or impounding with him. 

Pursuant to Article 33 relating to violation of Article 26, a fine of SAR50,000 (fifty thousand Saudi Riyals) is imposed per shipment and further recurrence may result in fines and other penalties. Accordingly, we kindly request all freight forwarders (consignee or notify party) to provide us with a copy of your valid license issued by PTA for our records. Pursuant to the regulations, Shipping agent may not release goods to shipments consigned to forwarders without proof of license issued by PTA. 

We respectfully request your compliance for all shipments to/ from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with immediate effect. 

Thank you for your support.

To download the advisory, please click here.